
Welcome to our page!     


You will find info about Our Presas: History, Pictures, Tips and resourceful Links about this incredible breed that must be known for its uniqueness. The sole purpose of this page is to gain and share knowledge that will help us as owners and educate does around you that The PRESA is not like any other breed out there and we are proud of that! So feel free to navigate through all the Page and don’t forget to join our Facebook group where you can share with other presa owners from Puerto Rico and view our Youtube Channel (Link at the Right panel)


                                           Thanks for visiting Team Presa Puerto Rico !!!


  1. Saludos, donde puedo comprar un presa canario poppy. Enviar email al la dirección rampabmar@gmail.com,gracias

  2. Saludos, donde puedo comprar un presa canario poppy. Enviar email al la dirección rampabmar@gmail.com,gracias

  3. donde puedo comprar un puppy presa canario 7872985194
